本帖最后由 xunleihyz 于 2022-12-13 10:36 编辑康卡斯特(Comcast 宽带运营商名字)在一份新闻稿中宣布,它在其现网中成功测试了对称的多千兆 DOCSIS 4.0 连接,向 2023 年下半年“提供支持 10G 的服务”迈出了重要一步。
在康卡斯特总部所在的费城,它使用多个电缆调制解调器和一个支持 DOCSIS 4.0 的 10G 节点在一个未公开的业务地点连接服务。 如果您想知道 10G 意味着什么,答案是--不仅仅是 5G。 正如我们在 2019 年所指出的那样,有线行业及时推出了其营销术语,其 G 数是 5G 无线的两倍。
DOCSIS 4.0 技术应该能够实现高达 10Gbps 的下载速度和 6Gbps 的上传,Comcast 表示 1 月份的实验室测试实现了超过 4Gbps 的双向速度。
它还可能为康卡斯特提供另一种从现有订户赚取更多收入的方式,这将与康卡斯特增加收入的新计划保持一致,尽管最近几个季度客户增长停滞不前。 康卡斯特已经向其客户宣布,本月将提高有线电视和互联网的价格,全国平均价格上涨 3.8%。 一位叫 Verge 的作家的账单显示,互联网服务和电视订阅费用将上涨 3 美元,下个月将上涨 7 美元以上。
今年早些时候,康卡斯特宣布,它正致力于在 2025 年底之前向美国超过 5000 万个住宅和企业推出多千兆互联网速度。该公司计划在本月底之前向 34 个城市部署 2Gbps 速度 并且还略微提高了许多地区互联网服务的下载速度。
10G 技术的优势在于它应该为下载和上传提供多千兆速度(目前,Comcast 的千兆计划包括仅 200Mbps 的上传速度),就像光纤互联网连接一样。 但是,对于考虑升级的任何人,可能需要一个新的猫。
理想情况下,这将提高那些没有光纤的地方的速度,尤其是非大都市地区。 在竞争激烈的地方,与它相近的提供光纤服务的竞争对手,例如 Verizon、AT&T、谷歌和 Frontier Communications,它们已经为一些客户提供对称的多千兆连接。
“我们从今年开始宣布我们对能够为家庭提供多千兆速度的 10G 调制解调器技术进行世界首次测试,到今天为止,10G 已经成为现实,有可能改变和发展我们所知道的互联网 ,”Comcast Cable 的执行副总裁兼首席网络官 Elad Nafshi 说。 “这是令人难以置信的进步的一年,我们期待继续改进和加强我们的 10G 技术,因为我们致力于在未来几年为所有客户提供这项服务及其所有令人难以置信的好处。”
https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/12/23505779/comcast-multi-gigabit-10g-docsis-40-cable-fiber-isp 原文:
Comcast's symmetrical multi-gigabit internet test is a preview of next year's "10G' rollout
Comcast says 10G-enabled service will greatly increase upload speeds next year, but price hikes for TV and internet are already appearing on customers' bills.
Comcast announced in a press release it successfully tested a symmetrical multi-gigabit DOCSIS 4.0 connection on its live network, taking a major step toward “offering 10G-enabled services” in the second half of 2023.
In Philadelphia, where Comcast is headquartered, it connected service at an undisclosed business location using multiple cable modems and a DOCSIS 4.0-enabled 10G node. If you're wondering what 10G means, the answer is — more than 5G. As we noted in 2019, the cable industry rolled out its marketing term just in time to have something that's twice as many Gs as 5G wireless.
DOCSIS 4.0 tech should enable download speeds of up to 10Gbps with 6Gbps uploads, and Comcast said a lab test in January achieved more than 4Gbps speed in both directions.
It also potentially gives Comcast another way to earn more money from existing subscribers, which would align with Comcast's new plan to increase revenue despite customer growth that's stalled in recent quarters. Comcast has already announced to its customers it's increasing its cable and internet prices this month, with the average nationally going up by 3.8 percent. One Verge writer's bill shows a $3 bump for internet service and a TV subscription that will be more than $7 more expensive next month.
Earlier this year, Comcast announced it was working on rolling out multi-gig Internet speeds to more than 50 million residences and businesses in the U.S. by the end of 2025. The company planned on deploying 2Gbps speeds to 34 cities by the end of this month and has also given a slight bump to download speed on internet service in many areas.
The advantage of 10G tech is that it should make multi-gig speeds available for both downloads and uploads (currently, Comcast's gigabit plans include upload speeds of just 200Mbps), just as it is with fiber optic internet connections. However, for anyone considering upgrading, we should note that you will probably need another new cable modem.
Ideally, this will increase speeds for those in places where fiber isn't available, especially non-metropolitan areas. And in places that have competition, it measures closer against rivals that deliver fiber services, such as Verizon, AT&T, Google, and Frontier Communications, which are already offering some customers symmetrical multi-gigabit connections.
“We started this year with the announcement of our world-first test of 10G modem technology capable of delivering multi-gig speeds to homes and, as of today, 10G is a reality with the potential to transform and evolve the Internet as we know it,” said Elad Nafshi, EVP and Chief Network Officer at Comcast Cable. “It's been an incredible year of progress, and we look forward to continuing to refine and harden our 10G technology as we work to make this service—and all its incredible benefits—available to all customers in the years ahead.”
Disclosure: Comcast is an investor in Vox Media, The Verge's parent company. 死也不用光纤是吧[偷笑] 赫敏 发表于 2022-12-13 09:40
这家公司也经营有线电视,类似现在广电的宽带。 xunleihyz 发表于 2022-12-12 21:13
verizon人家也有电视 赫敏 发表于 2022-12-13 10:14
那只能说基建不行。拉光纤成本太高。 xunleihyz 发表于 2022-12-12 21:15
Comcast的1g网络也就30m上传,Verizon所有套餐都是上下对等。而且comcast每年涨价10刀 这个Comcast是不是NBC和Universal Studios的母公司 美国宽带就没有不让人头疼的选择。
Verizon FIOS 光纤到户上下行对等快是快,但是覆盖率差的感人。
At&t 到现在很多地方还是电话线ADSL,下行8m上行2m。
Spectrum 300/10 500/20 1000/35 也是Cable,价格便宜甚至给固定IP。但是连接稳定性完全看人品,快三天慢三天,时快时慢又三天。
Comcast 这老流氓,有线宽带早年还限制流量,每个月好像300G?超过了限速到4M。网站里专门给你统计你每天用了多少流量。恶心的要命。 tom9929 发表于 2022-12-13 18:53
Verizon FIOS 光纤到户上下行对等快是快,但是覆盖率差的感人。