南濱路_House in ChungKing
本帖最后由 liandexin 于 2023-9-22 13:53 编辑項目位於重慶南濱路,室內朝向長江與嘉陵江的交匯處。為了將自然窗景更好的與室內空間融入結合,我們把室內的空間連接,交通動線重新做了整合梳理。
The project is located on Nanbin Road in Chongqing. The indoor faces towards the confluence of the Yangtze River and Jialing River. We have connected the indoor space in order to better integrate the natural window view with the indoor space. The traffic circulation line has been reorganized and combed.
The white body block integrates the Western kitchen appliances, and the snack storage is interspersed from the top surface of the building and the ground.
The bathroom and the Western kitchen system cabinet are integrated together to form a white BOX into the space. The white storage cabinet and the black metal cabinet are interspersed to form an overall unit, hanging on the space facade.
The box wrapped in wood veneer is embedded in a large area of fixed glass to form a clean and neat frame.
臥室改變了傳統東西朝向的排布方法,將床南北放置 躺在床上也能一覽江景。
The box wrapped in wood veneer is embedded in a large area of fixed glass to form a clean and neat frame. The bedroom changes the traditional east-west orientation arrangement method, which places the bed north and south, who lying on the bed can also enjoy the river view.
原始結構|Original structure
平面方案|Plane plan
Project Area .150m²
Project Types .Residence
嗯看到了大家的评论, 英语+繁体是因为我们一个贴子要发表很多平台,工作上经常会遇到在繁体和英文网站上的操作,我们是做设计的,别的工作对于我们来说确实是个难题,很感谢有些朋友的指正。本意是受众群体比较广泛,就统一了格式,没想到在CHH上面争议蛮大的,已经盖掉了原本对于设计的讨论。以后CHH上发的帖子考虑只使用简体中文,谢谢。 R u a foreigner? Y typed bilingual,and y always traditional chinese? 看着就很高级 好家伙,双语频道 catwei520 发表于 2023-9-20 20:47
R u a foreigner? Y typed bilingual,and y always traditional chinese?
+1,我也有相同的疑问 豪宅啊 看着就很有高级感,好羡慕有个江景房 定制柜上面没有封闭,很容易积灰。尤其是厨房一定要选用封闭式的存储,日后方便清洁。 catwei520 发表于 2023-9-20 20:47
R u a foreigner? Y typed bilingual,and y always traditional chinese?
目测不是,我看这句The white body block integrates the Western kitchen appliances
应该没有老外会说Western kitchen appliances来强调“西方”或“东方”
最多用modern appliances 不管怎么说,看起来真好看 这个房屋不像是家居装修,反而更像是会所的装修样式! 家需要温馨感。 楼主这个房子是在阳光100吧? 太暗了 不压抑吗? 中性灰的调调很喜欢,就是室内客厅有个大台阶搞什么鬼? 感觉像是办公场所 好压抑啊 也可能图片调色的关系 catwei520 发表于 2023-9-20 20:47
R u a foreigner? Y typed bilingual,and y always traditional chinese?
这娃一哈繁体一哈英文的不是我们重庆人的性格[偷笑] 高端双语文章 看着很高级,就是不知道适合家用不 浦原囍助 发表于 2023-9-21 10:52
要不就是ww或者hk设计师,要不就是装逼犯[恶魔] catwei520 发表于 2023-9-20 20:47
R u a foreigner? Y typed bilingual,and y always traditional chinese?
中國人噢,只是常用繁體字,雙語是為了受眾體驗啦 浦原囍助 发表于 2023-9-21 10:52
業主是重慶的,我們工作室確實不是重慶的 红领巾 发表于 2023-9-20 22:04
感謝! liandexin 发表于 2023-9-21 11:43
有冒犯的地方,还请见谅 红领巾 发表于 2023-9-20 22:04
感謝! 别饥渴了 发表于 2023-9-21 10:22
感觉像是办公场所 好压抑啊 也可能图片调色的关系
您說的對,和圖片調色有關的,相信在陽光明媚的時候也會更有活力! gdfts2004 发表于 2023-9-21 11:05
感謝,家用要看個人的使用風格而定,合適大於形式就對嘍 太喜欢这种风格了 真羡慕重庆房价