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[网络] 关于有同频干扰下wifi布网 思科给的解释

发表于 2023-5-13 15:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 武锋 于 2023-5-19 16:03 编辑

rt 原文在此https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en_u ... an_design_guide.pdf

802.11 networks are contention based and rely on Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) mechanisms to judge the medium state (if busy we wait, when free we transmit). In the example above, this client’s performance is being impacted because it can hear both APs. To this client, the two AP cells are coupled or acting as one super cell.
For the uplink, both AP's transmissions will be seen as a busy channel by the client and the client will simply wait for an opportunity to transmit. Worse yet, on the downlink, transmissions from either AP will potentially collide and retries will increase the contention for the medium and continue to drive the data rates down overall. The effects of CCI are not limited to just the AP cell. In a high-density environment, the clients themselves will have the effect of increasing the overall cell size.
CCA is based on a receive threshold that evaluates the carrier for activity. It is generally a good practice to consider -85 decibels per milliwatt (dBm) as that threshold. Figure 9 shows a coverage model based on data rates. Higher data rates do not propagate as far. If the distances look long in this model, it is because it was calculated using an outdoor open space model rather than an indoor model which assumes attenuating factors in the environment. There are not many walls between the APs and clients in most high-density deployments.
In any Wi-Fi design, the effects of CCI can be limited by isolating the individual cells from one another throughthe use of non-overlapping channels and natural environment attenuation (walls, ceilings, file cabinets and cubes). We would not place two APs on the same channel directly next to one another intentionally. In a normal design, the environment and distances we are covering generally permit adequate coverage without a lot of CCI.
But in a high-density network design, the distances are going to be constrained and propagation will be good, as such cell coupling and resulting CCI will become much more likely.


懒人只需要看第一条结论 同频干扰(其他人的热点)若在-85dbm以下则可以无视 当做他不存在

当AB两个AP(路由器 同频段运行)覆盖范围内有重叠并且设备C在重叠范围内时(AC BC可见 AB不可见)
此处假设AC有连接 B是干扰源
无论A或B发来通讯都会让C处于忙状态 若AB的数据包撞车则全部丢弃 若C要发数据给A必须等待AB都是空闲的情况下

若AB之间可见则AB会互相通讯协调安排空口资源 不会撞车(一方发另一方必然避让)AB和其他设备通讯的总带宽不会大于只有一台设备的情况
(同频同位置放多台路由器妄图增加通讯速率 是没用的!)

一个AP有很多台设备连接的时候情况是很糟糕的——每个用wifi的设备(是设备 不是路由器)都需要等空口空闲的时候才能发通讯
这里头疼的地方是设备和设备之间其实也是会撞车的 设备越多撞车需要重发的概率越大
撞车是浪费资源的 这段时间废了并且没有成功发出任何通讯 频繁的撞车可以让整个网络成功发送的带宽低到理论上限的10%以下

所以对于重型wifi用户 20个设备以上那种 可以多个路由器每个开一个频段 把设备分散在多个频段里就不会撞车了
(Wifi6可能会对多个设备连同一个热点的情况有优化 但定性结论仍然适用 都挤在一起网速不佳的话可以分散到多个热点多个频段)

若C不在重叠范围内 B对你没有任何干扰!AC之间顺畅通讯
这点对于家庭wifi很重要 5Ghz的干扰信号有的时候只在家里的某些角落里有一点 只要你不在这里玩机那么这个干扰信号完全无法影响到你
发表于 2023-5-13 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-5-13 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
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