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威联通NAS ARM机型空盘开机挂载硬盘方法

发表于 2023-6-9 15:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.  config_util 1

2.  storage_boot_init 1

3.  storage_boot_init 2

4.  df

5.  config_util 4

6.  storage_boot_init 4  

7.  mount  dev/sda4  /mnt/ext

8.  copy 韧体到 /share/HDA_DATA/public

9.  ln -sf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/update   /mnt/update

10. /etc/init.d/update.sh /share/HDA_ROOT/update/韧体

11. reboot

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警告 2018/01/15 14:11:17 System localhost [Pool 1] Storage pool space has reached the alert threshold (16.00 GB). Current available space is 0 Byte. Insufficient space might affect data storage and snapshot services. Please free up space or adjust the threshold.

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