https://unikoshardware.com/2024/ ... x12b-final-fix.html
https://videocardz.com/newz/inte ... xed-no-more-updates
Intel 上周发布的声明并未提及在 0x12B 微码后是否还会有更新,但 Intel 已向 The Verg 确认,针对第 13 / 14 代 Core CPU 的微码更新是最后的修复方案。
Intel 表示 0x12B 微码已彻底解决问题
VideoCardz 指出,主机板制造商目前正在推出 0x12B 微码,此微码将是 Intel 为解决 CPU 不稳定问题,而实施的第四项也是最后一项修复方案。
Intel 向 The Verge 确认问题已解决,The Verge 曾多次询问「Vmin Shift」是否是问题的根本原因,Intel 现在证实确实如此。
“Yes, we’re confirming this is the cause and that it is fixed,”
— Thomas Hannaford, Intel spokesperson to The Verge.
Intel 一共发现 Raptor Lake CPU 存在四个问题,并逐步进行解决。最新的 0x12B 韧体包含先前的所有修复方案,目前不需要进一步更新。
Motherboard power delivery settings exceeding Intel power guidance.
Mitigation : Intel Default Settings recommendations for Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen desktop processors.
eTVB Microcode algorithm which was allowing Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen i9 desktop processors to operate at higher performance states even at high temperatures.
Mitigation : microcode 0x125 (June 2024) addresses eTVB algorithm issue.
Microcode SVID algorithm requesting high voltages at a frequency and duration which can cause Vmin shift.
Mitigation : microcode 0x129 (August 2024) addresses high voltages requested by the processor.
Microcode and BIOS code requesting elevated core voltages which can cause Vmin shift especially during periods of idle and/or light activity.
Mitigation : Intel is releasing microcode 0x12B, which encompasses 0x125 and 0x129 microcode updates, and addresses elevated voltage requests by the processor during idle and/or light activity periods.
截至目前 Intel 尚未发布任何可以轻松检测稳定问题是否存在以及 CPU 是否需要更换的软体。按照先前的说法,Intel 建议使用者联络客服进行更换。
另外 Intel 也确认下一代桌面和行动平台 CPU 不会受到电压升高问题的影响,代表即将推出的 Core Ultra 200 系列应该不会遇到这个问题。 |