埃律西昂 发表于 2022-11-5 22:26


本帖最后由 埃律西昂 于 2022-11-5 22:46 编辑

来源: The Verge Gizmodo
原英文标题: 《You now have to pay to use Pantone colors in Adobe products》《Adobe Photoshop Designers Are Furious That Pantone Is Forcing Them to Pay $15 to Use Its Colors》


上周,Adobe在其Photoshop,InDesign和Illustrator Creative Cloud应用程序中删除了对免费Pantone颜色的支持。包含潘通专色的 PSD 文件现在在其位置显示不需要的黑色,迫使需要访问行业标准彩色书的创意人员支付插件订阅费用(通过Kotaku)。

“正如我们在六月份分享的那样,潘通决定改变其商业模式。Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator 和 InDesign 中预装的一些潘通彩色书已于 2022 年 8 月从未来的软件更新中逐步淘汰,“Adobe 数字媒体营销、战略和全球合作伙伴关系高级副总裁 Ashley Still 在给The Verge 的一份声明中说。“要访问完整的Pantone彩色书籍,Pantone现在要求客户通过Pantone Connect购买高级许可证,并使用Adobe Exchange安装插件。


— 斯科特·贝尔斯基 (@scottbelsky)2022 年 10 月 31 日

可以理解的是,希望继续使用行业标准色彩系统的创意人员需要通过Adobe PantoneConnect插件每月支付15澳元/每年90美元的Pantone许可证订阅费用。


虽然Pantone常见问题解答指出“现有的Creative Cloud文件和包含Pantone颜色参考的文档将保留这些颜色标识和信息”,但Photoshop用户报告说,他们使用Pantone颜色的旧PSD文件现在将这些颜色显示为黑色。“由于潘通对Adobe的许可发生了变化,此文件具有Pantone颜色,已被删除并替换为黑色,”有关受影响项目的消息中写道。其他Photoshop用户报告说,下载Pantone Connect扩展并不能保证解决这个问题。我们已经联系了潘通以澄清其立场,并将在收到回复时提供更新。

有几种解决方法可用于尝试恢复丢失的潘通色板。其中包括禁用 Adobe 应用程序更新(如果您仍然可以访问潘通色书),或者只是复制所需潘通范围的元数据值。

设计师们在Pantone Connect插件的页面上表达了他们的挫败感,他们必须购买该插件才能在Adobe应用程序中使用Pantone颜色。


使用Adobe的Creative Suite工具(包括Photoshop,Illustrator和InDesign)的设计师对许可变更感到愤怒,该变更迫使他们每月额外支付15美元(或每年90美元)以在Adobe的应用程序中使用其标志性颜色。最近几周,Adobe已从其应用程序中删除了对Pantone拥有的颜色的支持,这是首选的行业标准,使无数使用Pantone颜色的设计师将文件充满黑色,并显示以下消息:



好像这还不够,勉强接受支付潘通的用户甚至没有得到保证的修复。设计师被指示下载适用于Adobe的Pantone Connect插件 - 它在Adobe Exchange商店中被欺骗性地列为“免费”,插件描述中列出了有关“高级”订阅的信息 - 但有些人发现该插件没有出现在他们的Adobe应用程序中或不起作用。

其他能够访问该插件的人抱怨用户界面笨拙,有些人甚至称其“无法使用”。根据Pantone Connect在Adobe Exchange上的页面,该插件最后一次更新是在2019年9月,这可能解释了故障和糟糕的UI。


“失望是轻描淡写的 - 我们购买您的书籍,墨水,现在我们依赖的数字图书馆!玩得好吃钱的人,肯定应该有人被解雇!“一位用户在10月22日写道。“这只会对你Adobe和Pantone有好处!你会走多远?一些设计师无法按原样负担Adobe应用程序订阅费用。许多人正在远离您构建的内容,它何时会停止??



用户还决定用一星评论轰炸插件。截至发布时,Pantone Connect 上的 386 个评分中有 311 个给了它一颗星,使该插件的平均得分为 1.5 星。

值得注意的是,如果Adobe和Pantone在传达这一变化方面做得更好,愤怒可能会得到控制。Adobe 于 2021 年 12 月首次宣布将从其应用程序中删除 Pantone 的颜色库,并表示这些颜色将在 2022 年 3 月消失。那没有发生。然后它说潘通的颜色将在 2022 年 8 月之前逐步淘汰,这再次没有发生。


Adobe数字媒体营销、战略和全球合作伙伴关系高级副总裁阿什利·斯蒂尔(Ashley Still)周三在一封电子邮件中告诉Gizmodo,该公司在六月份分享了“潘通决定改变其商业模式”。

“要访问完整的Pantone彩色书籍,Pantone现在要求客户通过Pantone Connect购买高级许可证,并使用Adobe Exchange安装插件,”Still解释说。“我们目前正在寻找减轻对客户影响的方法。同时,客户还可以通过 Creative Cloud 订阅访问多达 14 本广泛的彩色书籍。

与此同时,潘通在给Gizmodo的电子邮件声明中将争议归咎于Adobe,同时称其为“值得信赖的合作伙伴”。Pantone重申,它已同意在Adobe Creative Cloud中包含一组精心策划的Pantone颜色库,只是不是所有的颜色。

“虽然我们无法确定合作伙伴解决方案的定价、功能或用户体验,但我们确实与合作伙伴密切合作,以创造最佳的客户体验。Adobe Creative Cloud客户可以利用Pantone Connect访问全彩色库系统,“该公司表示。“为了与我们的使命和价值观保持一致,Pantone致力于成为Adobe Creative Cloud用户的有用资源。Pantone将继续与Adobe合作,成为我们值得信赖的合作伙伴,以进一步改善Creative Cloud中的加载项扩展体验。


埃律西昂 发表于 2022-11-5 22:27

本帖最后由 埃律西昂 于 2022-11-5 22:31 编辑


Pantone requires a $15 monthly subscription to use its colors in apps like Photoshop and Illustrator. Colors in old PSD files are turning black for some.

Last week, Adobe removed support for free Pantone colors across its Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator Creative Cloud applications. PSD files that contained Pantone spot colors now display unwanted black in their place, forcing creatives who need access to the industry-standard color books to pay for a plugin subscription (via Kotaku).

“As we had shared in June, Pantone decided to change its business model. Some of the Pantone Color Books that are pre-loaded in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign were phased-out from future software updates in August 2022,” said Ashley Still, senior vice president of digital media marketing, strategy, and global partnerships at Adobe in a statement to The Verge. “To access the complete set of Pantone Color Books, Pantone now requires customers to purchase a premium license through Pantone Connect and install a plug-in using Adobe Exchange.”

Pantone has claimed that its color libraries inside of Adobe have not been properly maintained for several years, leading to the Pantone colors being inaccurate, with hundreds missing from Adobe applications altogether. A dedicated (and seemingly outdated) Pantone FAQ says, “Pantone and Adobe have together decided to remove the outdated libraries and jointly focus on an improved in-app experience that better serves our users.”

Creatives who understandably want to continue using the industry-standard color system are expected to pay a $15 monthly / $90 annual subscription for a Pantone license via the Adobe Pantone Connect plugin.

Prior to the introduction of the Pantone Color Matching System, companies used individual color guides which gave inconsistent results as each ink company could interpret “red” as slightly differing shades. Even CMYK, another industry standard color matching system used in at-home printers, is seen as inferior as the required combination of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black can lead to slight variations. Pantone doesn’t require a combination of colors, making it more reliable for designers working on large projects.

While the Pantone FAQ states that “existing Creative Cloud files and documents containing Pantone Color references will keep those color identities and information,” Photoshop users are nevertheless reporting that their old PSD files utilizing Pantone colors now show those colors as black. “This file has Pantone colors that have been removed and replaced with black due to changes in Pantone’s licensing with Adobe,” reads a message on affected projects. Other Photoshop users have reported that downloading the Pantone Connect extension isn’t guaranteed to fix the issue. We’ve reached out to Pantone to clarify its position and will provide an update should we hear back.

There are several workarounds available to try and restore the lost Pantone color swatches. These include disabling Adobe application updates if you still have access to Pantone color books, or simply copying the metadata values for your required Pantone range.

Designers are voicing their frustration on the page for the Pantone Connect plugin, which they have to buy to use Pantone colors in Adobe apps.

Hell hath no fury like an Adobe designer who can’t see the colors they thought they had already paid for.

Designers who use Adobe’s Creative Suite tools, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, are furious over a licensing change that forces them to pay Pantone an extra $15 a month (or $90 a year) to work with its signature colors in Adobe’s apps. In recent weeks, Adobe has removed support for Pantone-owned colors, which are the preferred industry standard, from its apps, leaving countless designers who used Pantone colors with files full of the color black instead and the following message:

“This file has Pantone colors that have been removed and replaced with black due to changes in Pantone’s licensing with Adobe. To resolve, click ‘Learn more,’” the message stated, according to a screenshot shared on Twitter and confirmed as authentic by Adobe, which laid all the blame at Pantone’s feet.

“Pantone actually required the removal, as they want to charge customers directly,” Adobe chief product officer Scott Belsky tweeted in response.

As if that weren’t enough, users who grudgingly accepted to pay Pantone didn’t even get a guaranteed fix. Designers were directed to download the Pantone Connect plugin for Adobe—which is deceptively listed as “free” in the Adobe Exchange store with information about a “premium” subscription listed in the plugin’s description—but some found that the plugin didn’t show up in their Adobe apps or didn’t work.

Others who were able to access the plugin complained about a clunky user interface, with some even calling it “unusable.” According to Pantone Connect’s page on Adobe Exchange, the last time the plugin was updated was in September of 2019, which might explain the glitches and bad UI.

Users took to the plugin’s page to voice their frustrations. Many pointed out that this was an act of greed by Pantone and Adobe, which wanted to squeeze even more out of users who had already paid for apps or bought official Pantone color books.

“Disappointed is an understatement - we buy your books, your ink and now the digital library that we rely on! Well played money guzzlers, someone should definitely be fired!” one user wrote on Oct. 22. “This only benefits YOU Adobe and Pantone! How far will you go? Some designers cannot afford Adobe app subscription as it is. Many are migrating away from what you built, when will it stop??”

Another user fumed and said that they didn’t understand why they suddenly had to pay for features that used to be free.

“Very glitchy, and getting sick of paying extra for features that used to be included in the programs or for online free. Design programs are already expensive as it is, now we have to pay another subscription? Do better to serve your clients!” the user wrote on Oct. 19.

Users also decided to bombard the plugin with one-star reviews. As of publication, 311 of the 386 ratings on Pantone Connect gave it one star, giving the plugin an average score of 1.5 stars.

Notably, the fury might have been contained if Adobe and Pantone had done a better job of communicating the change. Adobe first announced that it was removing Pantone’s color libraries from its apps in December 2021 and stated that the colors would be gone by March 2022. That didn’t happen. Then it said Pantone’s colors would be phased out by August 2022, which, again, didn’t happen.

It’s not surprising that customers stopped believing that Adobe and Pantone would actually go through with their plan and inconvenience a whole lot of people.

Ashley Still, senior vice president of digital media marketing, strategy, and global partnerships at Adobe, told Gizmodo in an email on Wednesday that the company had shared in June that “Pantone decided to change its business model.”

“To access the complete set of Pantone Color Books, Pantone now requires customers to purchase a premium license through Pantone Connect and install a plug-in using Adobe Exchange,” Still explained. “We are currently looking at ways to lessen the impact on our customers. In the meantime, customers also have access to up to 14 extensive color books through Creative Cloud subscriptions.”

Pantone, meanwhile, blamed the controversy on Adobe in an emailed statement to Gizmodo, all the while referring to it as a “trusted partner.” Pantone reiterated that it had agreed to include a curated set of Pantone color libraries in Adobe Creative Cloud, just not all its colors.

“While we do not determine the pricing, features, or user experience of our partners’ solutions, we do collaborate closely with our partners to create the best possible customer experience. Adobe Creative Cloud customers can leverage Pantone Connect to gain access to the full color library system,” the company said. “In keeping with our mission and values, Pantone strives to be a helpful resource for Adobe Creative Cloud users. Pantone continues to work with Adobe as our trusted partner to further improve the add-in extension experience within Creative Cloud.”

Who’s fault is it in the end? It’s hard to say. However, there’s no doubt we can all agree on what they’re fighting over: money.

sososi 发表于 2022-11-5 23:12


stevenjzd 发表于 2022-11-5 23:12


yEs丶He 发表于 2022-11-5 23:22

sososi 发表于 2022-11-5 23:12

[偷笑]以前城里面的公厕 五毛钱一次,你没上过吗?

sososi 发表于 2022-11-5 23:28

yEs丶He 发表于 2022-11-5 23:22
以前城里面的公厕 五毛钱一次,你没上过吗?


webgm 发表于 2022-11-6 04:38


louis2005 发表于 2022-11-6 08:25

webgm 发表于 2022-11-6 04:38


webgm 发表于 2022-11-6 08:38

louis2005 发表于 2022-11-6 08:25


从买断制 》订阅制 》功能订阅制


唐家无悔 发表于 2022-11-6 09:02

webgm 发表于 2022-11-6 08:38

从买断制 》订阅制 》功能订阅制


xiaoer2 发表于 2022-11-6 09:10

sososi 发表于 2022-11-5 23:28


yiyiyao 发表于 2022-11-6 09:10

订阅模式就是流氓,我只喜欢一次性买断的。至少应该像MS OFFICE一样,既有一次性买断的2021之类的版本,也有365这样的订阅版本。

bigmanlei 发表于 2022-11-6 09:13


ris 发表于 2022-11-6 09:43

yEs丶He 发表于 2022-11-5 23:22
以前城里面的公厕 五毛钱一次,你没上过吗?


louis2005 发表于 2022-11-6 09:48

webgm 发表于 2022-11-6 08:38

从买断制 》订阅制 》功能订阅制


sst 发表于 2022-11-6 09:57

webgm 发表于 2022-11-6 08:38

从买断制 》订阅制 》功能订阅制



phiobos 发表于 2022-11-6 10:08


sun1a2b3c4d 发表于 2022-11-6 10:39


尘埃落定 发表于 2022-11-6 10:57


Starrywings 发表于 2022-11-6 10:58

sososi 发表于 2022-11-5 23:28


punk100 发表于 2022-11-6 12:02


nsc117 发表于 2022-11-6 12:35

牛逼大发了 老外的创意一直是走在前面的收费创意令人眼前一黑

www1983xxx 发表于 2022-11-6 12:44


jeff.kwan 发表于 2022-11-6 13:01

yEs丶He 发表于 2022-11-5 23:22
以前城里面的公厕 五毛钱一次,你没上过吗?



zxmwai00 发表于 2022-11-6 13:17

yiyiyao 发表于 2022-11-6 09:10
订阅模式就是流氓,我只喜欢一次性买断的。至少应该像MS OFFICE一样,既有一次性买断的2021之类的版本,也 ...


邪恶的光B 发表于 2022-11-6 13:23



赫敏 发表于 2022-11-6 14:00

sst 发表于 2022-11-5 20:57

现在windows的销售费用从营业收入角度来说,已经变成 ...

这么多人用office和Azure那也是windows多年打底。很多东西赔钱也要搞下去,比如Google map啥的都是纯白给,但一样重要

扫描侠 发表于 2022-11-6 14:11

ris 发表于 2022-11-6 09:43


tim6252 发表于 2022-11-6 15:30

adobe这2货公司   就该用免费版    软件优化做的一坨   版本就是年年换个代号   ea做fifa都没这么偷懒的
多少年了几乎全家桶都是单核优化软件配置再好也发挥不出   显卡再好用滤镜用选区啥的 还是容易卡死
和 3d界的 Autodesk真的是创作领域的2大毒瘤

ris 发表于 2022-11-6 15:44

扫描侠 发表于 2022-11-6 14:11

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: Adobe用户现需独立订阅绝大多数彩通(潘通)色彩,引发众怒