Dell’s new XPS 13, meanwhile, is expected to be available with a 13.3 inch, 3200 x 1800 pixel touchscreen display, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB solid state drive. It has a 56 Whr battery, a backlit keyboard, Thunderbolt port, a USB 3.0 port, a mini DisplayPort, and a headset jack but no Ethernet or HDMI ports.
The new Dell XPS 13 with Skylake should measure about 12.4″ x 8.1″ x 0.7″ and weigh about 3 pounds. It sounds like the new Dell XPS 13 will be a little thicker and heavier than Broadwell version I reviewed earlier this year… but it’s still pretty compact fro a 13 inch laptop.
It’s not yet clear if Dell will offer a cheaper model with a non-touch, 1920 x 1080 pixel display again, like it did with the Broadwell version.
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