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[PC硬件] Pentaform推出AbacusBasic键盘PC,面向低收入人群的可持续性设备

发表于 2022-6-20 22:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 埃律西昂 于 2022-7-29 09:16 编辑

来源:TechCrunch Pentaform官网
原英文标题:《Pentaform launches AbacusBasic, the ‘world’s most affordable PC’》

Pentaform AbacusBasic.jpg

Forgive me if I’m over here, in the corner, having vibrant flashbacks to the Commodore 64, my very first computer. Today, Pentaform launches its AbacusBasic, a computer built into a keyboard. It comes with Windows 10 and everything you need to do computer-y things. You still need a monitor, but there are a few solutions for sorting that out, including a VGA or HDMI output, so you can shanghai almost any TV or computer display into a display solution.
请原谅我在这一角让思绪飘回我的第一台电脑Commodore 64。今天,Pentaform推出了AbacusBasic,这是一款内置于键盘中的计算机。它附带Windows 10以及执行计算机操作所需的一切。您仍然需要显示器,但是有一些解决方案可以对其进行整理,包括VGA或HDMI输出,因此您可以将几乎任何电视或计算机显示器都变成显示解决方案。

The computer doesn’t exactly flex big muscles, but for the target audience, it doesn’t need them. This is a typewriter or YouTube watching machine, not a gaming rig or a video editing computer. Focusing on being a functional computer with the smallest possible environmental impact, the AbacusBasic aims to make computing accessible, positioning itself to help make online learning, job hunting and accessing health information available.

The whole computer is roughly the size of a computer keyboard, and even includes the keyboard itself. In an impressive feat of miniaturization, the makers essentially squeezed everything you need for a “computer” into a keyboard, and stuck a $150 price tag on it. The computer comes with a quad-core processor with up to 4GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, a set of USB ports, an ethernet port, HDMI and VGA outputs, a built-in speaker and an integrated track pad. The computer comes with Windows 10 pre-installed, and supposedly supports displays with up to 4K resolution. Not bad at all!
整个计算机的大小大致相当于计算机键盘的大小,甚至包括键盘本身。在令人印象深刻的小型化壮举中,制造商基本上将“计算机”所需的所有东西都挤压到键盘中,并在其上贴上了150美元的价格标签。该计算机配备了一个四核处理器,具有高达4GB的RAM和512GB的存储空间,一组USB端口,一个以太网端口,HDMI和VGA输出,一个内置扬声器和一个集成触控板。该计算机预装了Windows 10,并且据称支持高达4K分辨率的显示器。一点也不差!

“Unlike most technology, the AbacusBasic considers the planet as one of its prime beneficiaries,” wrote co-founder of Pentaform, Joon Sang Lee, in an email to me. “In a world where 4.2 billion people still don’t have access to computers, creating more computers isn’t the answer. Creating better, eco-conscious ones, is.”
“与大多数技术不同,AbacusBasic认为这个星球是它的主要受益者之一,”Pentaform的联合创始人Joon Sang Lee在给我的一封电子邮件中写道。“在一个仍有42亿人无法使用计算机的世界里,制造更多的计算机并不是答案,创造更环保的计算机才是。“

The company maintains that the AbacusBasic is designed to last for years with daily use, and explains that it has been designed from the ground up for its end-of-life journey as well. The clever design means that the machine can easily be separated into the outer housing and the inner hardware. The inner hardware can either be repurposed, reused or recycled, while the outer housing (which is injection-molded from a biodegradable polymer) will eventually bio-degrade.

For the nerds among you, the computer runs a 64-bit Quad-Core x86 Processor with a single-board architecture. It’s powered by a customized Intel Atom x5-Z8350 Cherry TrailQuad-core processor running at 1.44 GHz with a 1.84 GHz Turbo boost available. Memory is supplied by an LPDDR3 64-bit dual channel LPDDR3@1866Mb/s with options ranging from 2 to 8GB. It has an eMMC module for storage, giving options ranging from 16GB-128GB available, and μSD card, where the μSD slot supports up to 512 GB μSD card.
对于更在意技术层面的读者,计算机运行在具有 64 位四核 x86 处理器的单板架构上。它由定制的英特尔Atom x5-Z8350 Cherry Trail四核处理器提供支持,运行频率为1.44 GHz,并提供1.84 GHz睿频加速。内存由 LPDDR3 64 位双通道LPDDR3@1866Mb/秒提供,其选项范围为 2 至 8GB。它具有用于存储的eMMC模块,提供从16GB到128GB的选项,以及μSD卡,其中μSD插槽支持高达512 GB的μSD卡。

On the ports front, the computer has an HDMI 2.0 port supporting up to 4K@30, a 3.5mm jack with mic support, a USB 3.0 port, a couple of USB 2.0 ports and a gigabit ethernet port. It also has a USB-C port that supports power delivery, and a radio module that supports 802.11 ac Wi-Fi and  Bluetooth 4.2.
在端口方面,计算机具有一个支持多达4K@30的HDMI 2.0端口,一个支持麦克风的3.5mm插孔,一个USB 3.0端口,几个USB 2.0端口和一个千兆以太网端口。它还具有支持供电的USB-C端口,以及支持802.11 ac Wi-Fi和蓝牙4.2的无线电模块。

The company is opening for pre-orders today from its website.

不过由于基于15Q1开始推出的Cherry Trail架构Atom处理器,性能实在堪忧。

AbacusBasic的起售价是120 GBP/150 USD,官网上现在预定还有20%优惠,算下来约合不到800 CNY。
看了国内淘宝,华硕近似配置(32GB eMMC,带数据线和HDMI线)的电脑棒二手售价在480 CNY左右。考虑到这一产品全新带官方保修,扩展较强(根据官网信息,外网新闻忽略了40-pin GPIO头,可玩性大幅提升),还附有键盘与触控板和电池,其实也不算贵。


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然而Atom x5-Z8350 这个CPU用office套件都会卡顿,我感觉不行

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