发表于 2023-8-28 20:24
本帖最后由 wxlg1117 于 2023-8-28 20:57 编辑
平常raid的写回加速用的就是On Board Memory里的一部分;当发生掉电状况时,ROC在超级电容供电下把RAM里的内容写到CacheVault Flash里保存,下次开机时ROC再从CacheVault Flash里恢复内容到RAM,这里CacheVault Flash就相当于这个闭环过程中的Cache.参看www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMFcLQWPX5g有官方详细解释.
Go Green and SaveUsing NAND flash eliminates the need to dispose of the Lithium-ION batteries typically found in today’s BBUs. These batteries are a potential risk to the environment and many communities require that they be disposed of properly. This is something that will have to be done every time the battery is replaced during the course of the controller’s life. By eliminating the need for these batteries, the risk to the environment and the cost of disposal can be avoided.
所以一般高配低配版本主要是指缓存RAM的大小,比如1G,2G,4G,8G......;当然缓存变大了CacheVault Flash也可能会相应变大. |