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[其他] INTC 23Q4 Earning Call Tech Parts

发表于 2024-1-28 12:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 埃律西昂 于 2024-1-28 22:47 编辑

https://seekingalpha.com/article ... ngs-call-transcript

Sierra Forest和Granite Rapids:
Sierra Forest 已向客户提供最终样品,Granite Rapids 的生产进度快于时间表,已进入通电验证阶段,并且非常健康。
Sierra Forest has final samples at customers and the production stepping of Granite Rapids is running ahead of schedule well into power-on validation and very healthy.

而且(Sierra Forest)它没有 Granite Rapids 所具有的一些性能、峰值功能和特性功能。我预计大部分市场将停留在Granite Rapids型产品上,即P-core产品,当然是在24年和25年。
And it doesn't have some of the performance capabilities, peak capabilities, feature capabilities that Granite Rapids has. I expect the bulk of the market to stay on Granite Rapids type products, the P-core products, certainly in '24 and '25。

我认为大多数企业客户会继续使用他们将拥有的 P-core 产品。Sierra Forest、Clearwater Forest 和后续产品确实是那种非常专注于 TCO 的批量主流云产品。
I think most of the enterprise customers will stay with the P-core products that they will have. And it really is Sierra Forest, Clearwater Forest, and successors being sort of that bulk mainstream cloud offering that's very focused on TCO.

Arrow Lake和20A:
Arrow Lake,我们领先的英特尔 20A 产品将于今年推出。
Arrow Lake, our lead Intel 20A vehicle will launch this year.

Clearwater Forest,我们用于服务器的第一个英特尔 18A 部件已经进入晶圆厂,而面向客户的 Panther Lake 将很快进入晶圆厂。
I am pleased to say that Clearwater Forest, our first Intel 18A part for servers has already gone into fab and Panther Lake for clients will be heading into Fab shortly.   

在晶体管周围取得良好进展的是我们在第四季度交付的 0.9 PDK。我们将在第二季度推出 1.0 PDK。
And gate all around transistors making good progress are 0.9 PDK that we delivered in Q4. And we'll be having the 1.0 PDK in Q2 on track.

5th Gen Xeon Emerald Rapids:
第五代至强已在阿里巴巴上正式上市,正在与多家 CSP 一起进入公共和私人预览版,并有望在下个月与 OEM 一起发货。
5th Gen Xeon has reached general availability at Alibaba is entering public and private previews with several CSPs and is on track to ship with OEMs next month.

Panther Lake的AI:
到 2025 年,借助 Panther Lake,我们将把 AI 性能(在ARL和LNL的基础上)再提高 2 倍。
In 2025 with Panther Lake, we will grow AI performance up to an additional 2x.

And as we create more and more focus in the business, more wafers will come in internal to the Intel factory network. But long-term, we're going to continue to use external foundries to complement, manage our capital requirements. and to make sure that our teams always are building the best products in the industry and using the best technologies to accomplish that. So overall, we feel super good with our strategy. You'll see more use of our own factory network, even as we leverage external foundries where appropriate.

Obviously, we're going to maximize how much we can do internally, but we're always going to be using external foundries based on smart capital.

Traditional packaging:
And the two things in the Q4 to Q1 numbers on IFS, one is the - I'll say the natural ending of our traditional packaging volume. So that affects Q4 as we go into Q1. And obviously our focus there isn't doing I'll say traditional packaging. You know, that's best supplied by OSAT vendors, but we were in a unique position to help our customers as we went through the COVID cycle.All of our packaging focus going forward, is advanced packaging where our technology is differentiated, the margins are good.

High-NA,下一代 EUV 不是 18A 的一部分,对吧?这将是下一个主要节点的一部分。我们将在英特尔代工日,也就是2月21日上对此进行更多讨论,但我们不会将其作为风险因素引入18A。
High-NA, the next generation of EUV is not part of 18A, right? That will be part of the next major node.We'll talk more about that at the Intel Foundry Day, as we said on February 21, but we're not introducing that as a risk factor into 18A.
发表于 2024-1-28 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-1-28 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
Panther Lake还没进厂。查下新闻,Meteor lake是21年5月进晶圆厂,最近上市没有还是薛定谔状态。那panther lake起码是推到26年底接近27年。

Arrow lake只说了20A没提TSMC,推测是今年只有6+8。看来今年真的就是14900k打zen5了不过话说回来没x3d的话,zen5能不能赢游戏还不一定。用来干活,有16核7950x3d的也不一定看得上12核9900x(?)
发表于 2024-1-28 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-1-29 05:22 | 显示全部楼层


需要的早已经开始出PO 了

年底Granite Rapid

Emerald Rapid就是个refresh 为了较量硬叫它 5代也没有办法。

发表于 2024-1-29 05:25 | 显示全部楼层
COFFFEEEE 发表于 2024-1-28 16:22

需要的早已经开始出PO 了

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