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[软件] 期待 Win11 24H2 能 bug 少点,看到系统 bug 就烦

发表于 2024-9-29 10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 feifei78 于 2024-9-29 10:26 编辑

微软发布 Win11 24H2 系统 90 天评估镜像,版本号 26100.1742

据说 10 月 8 号就上线 24H2,现在这个镜像就提前几天体验?


Win11 23H2 刚装一段时间而已,小组件完全失效了
现在我主机安装 Win10 Win11 双引导双系统,Win11 打完游戏,去 Win10 休闲看剧啥的;

Win10 上次更新搞得开始菜单频繁崩溃报错(KB5043064)
https://support.microsoft.com/zh ... b-8685-57d578650e5f
预览补丁 KB5043131:
[文件资源管理器和任务栏] 当你使用文件资源管理器和任务栏等应用时,Windows Server 会停止响应。

最期待还是 AMD 显卡驱动,希望能在 24H2 能表现好点额
发表于 2024-9-29 10:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lzhdim 于 2024-9-29 10:31 编辑

Windows 10打游戏一样刚刚的啊。为何换11打游戏?有些兼容、优化问题没解决。。。

发表于 2024-9-29 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
话说我加入Win11  预览体验,beta通道  为啥不推24H2
发表于 2024-9-29 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-9-29 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
Ray.D 发表于 2024-9-29 10:36
话说我加入Win11  预览体验,beta通道  为啥不推24H2


发表于 2024-9-29 10:45 | 显示全部楼层
wswcx 发表于 2024-9-29 10:39
从咖喱10开始,一直都是测试版,不同通道的测试,从内测变成了外测,啥时候给你正式过 ...

现在微软正在逐渐抛弃Windows 10,所以现在Windows 10真的是越来越好用了。
发表于 2024-9-29 10:45 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 firebase 于 2024-9-29 10:51 编辑

我一台iot ltsc的忘了版本号,一切正常

 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-29 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 feifei78 于 2024-9-29 10:49 编辑
lzhdim 发表于 2024-9-29 10:30
Windows 10打游戏一样刚刚的啊。为何换11打游戏?有些兼容、优化问题没解决。。。

据说24H2对AMD的U优化挺 ...

我装 win11 就是目的打游戏啊,
电源计划调度策略也和 win11 不一样,
游戏表现不一样的,显卡驱动 shader model 也不一样

guru3D 找的图,[A卡测试版驱动里的,目前还没有这个]

我电脑主机里CPU的是 5950X,应该没啥提升吧
发表于 2024-9-29 10:48 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
之前那个pre release的镜像更新补丁之后就已经是这个版本号了,最近的新笔记本都已经预装24H2了吧
发表于 2024-9-29 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
远景上昨放出了Windows 11 24H2 RTM 版 OEM 镜像资源了
发表于 2024-9-29 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-9-29 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-9-29 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-9-29 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 seaLittleNerd 于 2024-9-29 11:20 编辑
TLTR: Although Windows 11 24H2 shows improvements over 23H2, it still doesn't match the performance of Windows 10, which remains the superior choice for now.
TL;DR and conclusion:

24H2 improves Win11 a lot, and I now no longer consider Win11 the worst OS MS has ever made. However, that certainly doesn't mean I consider it a good OS.

It's still filled with bugs, some of which are bugs that also existed in Win10 but have already been fixed in Win10, but not Win11.

It still requires more tweaking and debloating to make it feel as snappy as Win10 does OOB. If you don't disable most of the OS security features, the File Explorer and UI sludge will always be there. However, once sufficiently debloated, 24H2 now feels equally snappy as a debloated Win10 does, maybe even slightly snappier when doing general tasks like web browsing and folder navigation.

Win11 has way too many bad UI decisions that reduce productivity, there's too much menu nesting, too much group policy editing, and it unnecessarily increases mouse travel and clicks-to-function for too many things within the OS.

If you do install Win11, do yourself a favor and use NLite so you're not wasting time undoing all of the poor UI choices MS made after the OS is installed, and of course for an unattended install with a local account.

While Win11 24H2 does offer performance improvements over Win10 22H2 in some games for Ryzen users, I do not consider the performance difference large enough for the time and effort currently required to equal Win10's superior user experience.


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