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X-Rite i1 Display Pro 仍然有荒謬產品軟體支持

发表于 2012-1-27 20:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Larrabee2 于 2012-1-27 20:34 编辑

http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/s ... 54998&postcount=484

There are actually 3 versions of this meter--ColorMunki, i1 Display Pro III retail, and an i1 Display Pro III OEM.

The ColorMunki and Display Pro retail are for the retail market only and are designed to work with the included X-Rite software for monitor profiling.

The retail versions will NOT function in ChromaPure or any other vendor's software other than X-Rite. Only the OEM version will work because the code in ChromaPure includes a password for enabling it.

The retail and OEM versions of the i1 Display Pro are otherwise identical.

If you want to use this meter with ChromaPure, then you have to obtain the meter from ChromaPure directly, one of my partners (e.g. AVS), or another OEM vendor. Versions of this meter obtained in the retail market will not work.


http://www.luminous-landscape.co ... i1display_pro.shtml

From: The BabelColor Company

This model replaces the i1 Display2. As with the i1 Display2, there are three Categories of the i1 Display Pro available:

Category (a)- The instruments sold by X-Rite under the X-Rite name (also called the retail version). In the past, for the older i1 display2, the SDK could be used for instruments in this category; this is NOT possible with the SDK of the i1 Display Pro.

Category (b)- The instruments sold by a third party (called Original Equipment Manufacturer, or OEM). The SDK could, and can still be used for instruments in this category. However, in the past, such instruments had the same communication inte**ce specifications as the X-Rite retail model; this is not the case anymore.

Category (c)- The instruments sold by an OEM, which have communication inte**ce specifications DIFFERENT from the Category (b) model. The SDK cannot be used to communicate with those instruments.

For example, the i1 Display2 bundled with many NEC monitors, also called the MDSVSENSOR2, is a Category (b) model while the i1 Display2 bundled with some HP DreamColor monitors is a Category (c) model (HP DreamColor Advanced Profiling Solution, KZ300AA).

(Please note that while the NEC MDSVSENSOR2 has the same communication inte**ce as the standard i1 Display2, it has a different set of sensor filters which is better adapted to the wide gamut primaries of the NEC monitors it is offered with.)

With the older i1 Display2, the X-Rite SDK could be used with the Category (a) and (b) instruments; this explains, for instance, why PatchTool can be used with the X-Rite i1 Display2 and the NEC i1 MDSVSENSOR2, but not with the HP DreamColor i1 Display2.

With the new X-Rite policies, the i1 Display Pro sold by X-Rite can ONLY be used with i1 Profiler; it CANNOT be used with the i1 Display Pro SDK. This means that BabelColor, and other third party developers, cannot support this instrument. Third party developers can only support the Category (b) and (c) instruments (Category (c) instruments will also require a separate agreement between the third-party developer and the licensed OEM). In addition, Category (b) and (c) instruments CANNOT be used with the i1 Profiler software (or other X-Rite software); if you want to use i1 Profiler, you need to buy a retail i1 Display Pro from X-Rite.
A Clarification from X-Rite

X-Rite Product Manager Steve Rankin posted the following on the ColorSync list Aug 19, 2011.

As the product manager for our Display Solutions at X-Rite, let me try to clarify a few things regarding OEM and 3rd party developer support for our new i1D3 based colorimeters.  There seems to be lot’s of confusion here.  First and foremost, X-Rite absolutely does allow OEMs and 3rd party developers access to our i1Display Pro retail instruments.  Karl Koch already mentioned it here on the ColorSync List that BasICColor will support our retail product and I now have permission from Eizo to announce that a soon to be released version of ColorNavigator software will also support our retail i1Display Pro device.  In addition, while I cannot mention their names, I can tell you that there are more OEMs & developers currently working on integrating our channel device into their software solutions.  So, for any other OEMs or third party developers that wish to also support our retail i1Display Pro device, please contact devsupport@xrite.com and ask for our “i1Display Pro License Request Form”.  Second, regarding support of OEM versions of i1D3, this is not an X-Rite issue at all.  Any software developer who wishes to support an OEM version of the i1D3 device must contact and obtain this ability from that OEM.  I hope this clarifies things for all.


我感到困惑.因為我覺得 Xrite管理很白X

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