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P55近距離+全球首度曝光:华硕「P7P55 Pro」主板(转自XF)!

发表于 2009-8-7 12:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[XF] P55近距離+全球首度曝光:華碩「P7P55 Pro」主機板

[XF] Close Look on P55: ASUS "P7P55 PRO" hits the road

「P55」這個字眼,相信硬體玩家們應該都已經聽到、也看到了不少相關的資料了。在X58、LGA 1366平台大量曝光之後,Intel已經用了好幾年的LGA 775平台,也即將走到終點。雖然說P55只是Intel  5-Series Express Chipset家族中的成員之一,後續還有P57、H55、H57、Q55即將面試,但根據可靠消息來源指出,首批LGA 1156腳位的CPU將有5款會於09年9月進入市場,而內建顯示功能的LGA 1156腳位CPU,則是可能在2010年1月左右再釋出5款,在Intel的規劃下,玩家們一定不可不知接下來的硬體上的變化。今天Edward從華碩這邊取得了即將在Computex大會中展示的主機板:華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO,雖然硬體配置與配色的部份都還不是最終版本,量產前都還可能更改,不過相信大家都對P55主機板可能的規劃,一定都有不小的興趣吧?搶先為各位報導,請接著看下去吧!

We already heard lots of rumors about the Intel P55 Express Chipset and also can easily get data from Google. But after massive exposure on X58/LGA 1366, most of the HW Geeks pay attention on the LGA 775: is it time to change to LGA 1156? Although the P55 is the member in the Intel 5-Series Express Chipset family, we still have P57/H55/H57/Q55 chipset to meet later. According to the source, in Sept. 09, Intel will  release the Lynnfield in 5 diffrent model, and then release 5 Havendale CPU in Jan. 10, so if you are a crazy HW Geek, you have to read more about this. Today Edward just got the lastest ASUS Mobo for the Computex 09: ASUS "P7P55 PRO", it is not a final version and the layout may change on formal release, but you should know the possible layout now, just reply and get the pics you want. :)

華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO 主機板,特別拍了一張大圖給各位看看。

ASUS P7P55 PRO MOBO, this is a big pic on it, the color mainly use the black + blue for all.

CPU周圍特寫,中間為LGA  1156腳座,為FOXCONN製作,採用日系高品質固態電容,銀灰色的外殼,相當少見;

CPU Socket close look, LGA 1156 is in the middle by the FOXCONN, with lots of Japan-Cap and color in gray, rare seen before;
MOSFET comes with the irregualr heatsink, looks like 11 Phases, but I can not give more details on that.


Close look on Cap and Choke.

LGA 1156腳位的開啟方式:首先推開拉柄,輕輕往上拉。

Now show you the LGA 1156's design: pull out the handle.


You will see the socket is going up.


We can install the CPU now...there is a small cap on it.

LGA 1156內部全貌,實際大小比LGA 1366小大約20%左右。

Close look on LGA 1156, the size is about 80% of the LGA 1366.

不過看來Intel也有針對LGA 1366蓋子過於緊繃的問題加以修正。

Single-Side installation, I still have no time to use the ES Lynnfield on it,
but I believe Intel know the LGA 1366 problem: TOO TIGHT and HURT MY CPU !!

記憶體插槽部份,採用4 DIMM DDR3 SLOT,這當然是因為LGA 1156支援雙通道DDR3而設計的。

4 DIMM DDR3 SLOT with Dual-Channel, it is not surprised, Lynnfield is not like the Bloomfield.


The DIMM Slot also comes with a single-side installation function/2 Phases here.

華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO的字樣。

The Logo of ASUS P7P55 PRO.

慢速週邊部份,IDE採90度轉折設計,SATA Port位置較低,故採用正常設計,沒有VGA干涉的問題;

Peripheral Part, IDE have a 90 degrees desgin for the VGA card issue,
but the sata ports are lower than 2 PCI-E Slot, so it's not a big problem to design the SATA port like a normal on;
The chip behide the IDE is JMB363, you can also see the white line surrounded the chipset, the layout or heatsink may change on formal release.

華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO提供2組PCI-E x16介面,中間卡了2組PCI-E x1介面,另有3組PCI插槽︰

Provide 2* PCI-E x16 and 2*PCI-E x1 between them, and there are also 3 PCI Slot here, the sound part takes the VIA solution.

P7P55的Rear Panel部份。連同主機板上的3組USB內接腳座,P55一次可支援14組USB 2.0裝置,這邊則另有IEEE 1394與e-SATA接頭。

Rear Panel, P55 can support 14 USB2.0 device, and you can also see the IEEE 1394 6-pin and e-SATA here.


Take out the heatsink and have a close look on P55...

仍為ES版本的Ibex Peak單晶片Intel P55 Express Chipset

Ibex Peak single-chip: Intel P55 Express Chipset, ES version now.


Final thinking:

Watch your wallet, P55 is coming !!

以目前手上這張華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO主機板的配置而言,產品應該已經相當接近量產的階段了。以已知的Intel Roadmap來看,近期會以尚未具備內顯功能的Lynnfield處理器打先鋒,而具備內顯功能的Havendale處理器,則可能會依據實際銷售狀況伺機而動,不過P55則是兩者均能支援,且屆時Intel 5-Series Express Chipset家族也一定會依據市場需求逐一釋出。不過就Edward的看法來說,在實際效能未知之前,手上有P45/P35/X48/X38的玩家們,不妨耐心等待一下,因為目前已經有小道消息傳出,LGA1156的效能相較於LGA775平台而言,並沒有太多驚喜,剩下的...就等Edward親自測試一下才知道囉!


According to the layout of the ASUS P7P55 PRO, the mobo seems ready to go anytime, but refer to the Intel roadmap, the first shot will be the Lynnfield CPU (without the display), then the Havendale CPU (with display) will hit the road later, the key point will be the sales situation for sure, P55 can support both of them and the Intel will surely release the 5-Series Express Chipset family to the partners on demand. But in my own opinion, some rumors said the LGA 1156's performance is not better than the LGA 775 platform, and the overclocking performance is unknown too, so...if you got the P45/P35/X48/X38...just take your time in front of PC and see more details from xfastest.com... we will bring more news on Computex 09 Taipei  !!
发表于 2009-8-7 12:48 | 显示全部楼层
没有P55 delux YY……
发表于 2009-8-7 17:02 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-8-7 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
没有P55 delux YY……
minnow 发表于 2009-8-7 12:48

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