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[XF] 新品登场!P6X58 PREMIUM 体验 USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s 超快感

发表于 2009-12-1 00:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[XF] P6X58 PREMIUM 體驗 USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s 超快感

[XF] P6X58 PREMIUM 體驗 USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s 超快感
[XF] The first USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s MB: ASUS P6X58 PREMIUM PICTURED.

ASUS 此次將主機版名稱作了些修改和之前Intel X58 系列的主板命名有些不同,之前的命名為P6T xxxx
現在改為P6X58 xxxxx,如此一來讓消費者可以直接從命名即可了解此主機板使用的晶片主是那一個等級,
同樣在日後Intel P55 or P57 也是以此命名方式P7P55 P7P57 等等。

This time ASUS changed a little in the naming sytem on Intel X58 MB, in the very beginning, ASUS use "P6T XXX" for the X58 MB, now it changed to "P6X58 xxxx" in the continuing model, so the consumer can easily get the main point on the level of the MB they purchased.

Of course the same naming system will be used on P55 & P57, like P7P55 and P7P57 and so on...

( we already have some pics for P7P55 & P7P67 here, check it out )

但此次帶給大家不是看ASUS的主機板命名,而是在Intel P55將在8月份推出前,ASUS又再推出一片Intel X58
主機板,取名叫做P6X58 PREMIUM,既然稱為PREMIUM就來看看他有甚麼過人之處。

So just present the P6X58 PREMIUM to you guys...the most important things are the USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s applied, take a close look now : )

從整張主機板來看,除了主機板依然使用黑色PCB板,整張的配色改為藍色的科技色彩,不管在電源插槽 PCI-E PCI MEMORY等插槽都是採用藍色調。

PWM 供電部分一樣採用導熱管加散熱片方式散熱,固定方式採用鎖螺絲

CPU供電方式一樣採用16相供電,這多要靠EPU + PEM這2顆晶片來達成(有去上過5月份的ASUS技術研討會的網友應該都知道)

再來就是來看看USB 3.0的相關介紹

此LOGO為USB 3.0 SuperSpeed 正式Logo樣式
ASUS P6X58 PREMIUM ATX背板設計接頭和先前所有主機板最大不同就是多了USB3.0連接

可以看到USB3.0 的插槽是為藍色,接觸點也不一樣但可以向下相容

USB3.0 和 USB 2.0插槽比一比,很容易看出差異化

USB 3.0 相關資料,再來看看USB的演進史


再來看USB3.0 之後會有哪些接頭方式


此次P6X58 PREMIUM 可以做到USB3.0 ,全都考這顆NEC Chip 代號 D720200F1

相關NEC USB3.0 資訊
NEC this Monday announced develops global first section USB3.0 controller µ PD720200.The USB3.0 peak value transmissibility may reach 5Gbps,
compared to existing USB2.0 standard quick 10 times.But although the USB3.0 interface structure has been unable the compatible USB1.x equipment,
but µ PD720200 will still continue to maintain to the USB2.0/1.1 downward compatibility.
NEC called its new style chip foreign sets at type hard disk in particular SSD solid state hard disk watershed, these two product transmission speed all
must be higher than the existing USB2.0 interface rate, therefore the USB3.0 speed expands is these product gospel without doubt.But the USB3.0
standard also surmounted firing line 800 in the technical specification.
The next month, NEC will provide this section chip testing version to the USB3.0 equipment factory, the monolithic selling price will be 15 US dollars.
But they had not disclosed when first section will appear on the market based on this chip USB3.0 product, only called USB3.0 product month sales
volume will promote to this September to 1,000,000, but to 2010 second half year USB3.0 equipment then will move towards the popularization.

為何NEC會如此快速推出USB3.0 Controller
大概是USB 3.0標準將由Intel、HP、NEC、NXP Semiconductors、德儀和微軟共同開發

更多USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) 資訊可以再到 USB官網看看.





1G網路卡控制晶片 x 2

北橋PWM 控制晶片 RT8857 4/3/2/1-Phase PWM Controller


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MD 现在连个 主板也买不起了
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